Osteoarthritis of the knee symptoms and treatment

The articulation of the knee femoral and tibial bones are covered with articular cartilage. It is the second type of cartilage which is the so-called menisci, which act as intermediate layer or shock absorbers.

the schema

This can be seen as complete, and the loss of cartilage. This process is often isolated to an area in the joint, in such cases, it may be caused by chronic trauma and wear and tear of the joint.

Pathogenesis and symptoms of osteoarthritis

The manifestations of osteoarthritis related to ease the cartilage loses its elasticity, dries out, is refined, and progressively destroyed. Cause the destruction of the cartilage can a variety of reasons: the age-related changes, hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, disorders of the blood circulation on the bottom with vascular trauma.

Osteoarthritis of the knee is manifested by a set of symptoms:

  • the pain, the intensity and nature of which vary according to the stage of the disease;
  • accompanying the movement of biting his knees;
  • stiffness in the beginning of the movements;
  • the limitation of the amount of motion in the joint;
  • the deformation of the knee.

The reasons of development and types of

The causes of osteoarthritis a bit: it is the aging process and wear and tear of the cartilage, overweight, injury, autoimmune diseases, in which the immunity attacks own joint tissue, causing inflammation and destruction.

The joints of the knees are exposed to loads during the whole life, so is prone to a degenerative process of addition, in contrast to other joints.

The main reason for the development of osteoarthritis of the knee in the second degree – of the ignorance of the man of the first symptoms and the absence of timely treatment. Other reasons:

  • the age – in 80% of cases, osteoarthritis affects people (to a greater extent women) after the age of 40;
  • the injuries are often exposed to athletes.
  • other pathologies of the joint – national, inflammatory diseases, etc

With osteoarthritis of the knee joint 2 the degree of destruction of the presentation is not only the cartilage, but its components. The cartilage becomes less elastic and durable, and begins to fade, leaving it without protection bone surface.

The main causes of osteoarthritis of the knee joint are associated with the physics of middle-aged people, because of what happen of circulatory disorders and nutrition of the cartilage of the joints, which leads to the functional impairment of the joints.

the first step of the

There are two forms of osteoarthritis of the knee: primary and secondary.


Begins its development very early in childhood or adulthood.

The different degrees of osteoarthritis of the knee

Like many others, the disease from osteoarthritis of the knee can be divided into several steps.

  1. The easier for the treatment of osteoarthritis of 1 degree. The symptoms of the possession of a small slit to the inside of the joint, the surface of edges specified, patients have a loss of mobility.
  2. If the patient has osteoarthritis of the knee joint of degree 2, it is manifested in l': significant loss of mobility of the patient, when the market hit in the knee a characteristic crackling, the interior is formed of a strong narrowing of the slit and the cyst.
  3. Osteoarthritis of the 3 degrees, it is impossible to move, there is a deformation of the joint, on its surface is formed sealing.
  4. During the fourth phase, the cartilage of the knee joint is completely destroyed.

For the treatment of gonarthrosis II degree, you can use honey. For example, for compresses, massage or internal use.


The signs and symptoms

Osteoarthritis of the knee of the charter often develops after the age of 55, the bottom of the age changes in the cartilage. In the pathological process of tissue of other organs involved rarely, the difference of arthritis, when during the development of inflammation, infection spreads into the heart tissues, nerve fibers in the epidermis.

The main signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee:

  • in the early stages of the pain low, the intensity of the pain grows with the waves;
  • gradually the degenerative changes disrupt the mobility of the affected joint, in the morning, the patient is difficult to fold and unfold the knee;
  • during the execution of the pathologies of the cartilage collapse sharply limit the possibilities for the market.
  • the lack of synovial fluid, a friction joint heads, an extender of some elements causes the pain, not only during loading, but without it.

The signs and symptoms

The doctors consider ostreatus is a common disease, which is able to pass to the epidemic. The first sign of the disease, the acute pain in the area of the kneecap, pain when walking, in some cases, a person simply cannot move.

Which in turn leads to loss of the integrity of the patient, to the physical and moral degradation.

The main symptoms of osteoarthritis of the second degree:

The pathology of this disease has become a decrease of the mobility of the joint, limitation of mobility and the emergence of a feeling of stiffness of the joints.

It is to be noted that the osteoarthritis of the joints can hit the different areas of the body of the patient, but the most common are species such as osteoarthritis of the knee joint, the disease osteoarthritis lumbar and cervical spine, and osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint, a complex of osteoarthritis of the ankle and arm, and osteoarthritis of the hip.

the symptoms

The diagnosis

The definition of osteoarthritis of the knee joint begins with the physical visits of the doctor, the study of the history of the disease and of the conversation with the patient. Don't forget to pay attention to a doctor about this, which most often is the cause of the pain, and to speak of cases of the disease in the family, where appropriate.

For the treatment use of narcotic analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, slow acting drugs, gold, corticosteroids, methotrexate, and others

The medical treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint includes three main directions:

  • the application of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are necessary to alleviate the pain and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in tissues;
  • take medicines for the recovery of the cartilage, including chondroprotectors: glucosamine and chondroitin;
  • the use of creams and ointments in the treatment of crippling arthritis.

The main goal of drug treatment is to eliminate pain, improve nutrition of the cartilage, of the intensification of the regeneration process, to increase the mobility of the joint and the normalization of blood circulation at the level of the knee.

So far, irreversible lesions of the knee osteoarthritis is treated radical method of implants is the implantation of metallic prosthesis to replace the destroyed joint.

It is to this day the only method that gives the chance to make a full recovery, but stents have a limited duration, after which replace it.

Because the price of these transactions is very high, this method of treatment has not received wide dissemination.

There are a multitude of popular recipes of various ointments and lotions at herbal, medicine of the bile, to apply the warming of headbands made of natural wool. Mainly the action of these methods is intended to relieve the pain and resolve the main symptoms.


How to treat osteoarthritis of the knee? Early pathology of the joint lends itself well to the therapy. In addition to the pharmacy, ointments and tablets herbalists to modern offer traditional methods of treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee.

Replace the drugs phyto means does the failure of drug treatment to worsen the patient's condition of the joint, cause the continuation of the development of degenerated-of the degenerative changes.

To stop the destruction of the cartilage, accelerating the process of regeneration is possible only if a complex impact.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds necessary for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint for the relief of pain at the destruction of the cartilage. Home medicines are applied in the form of gels and tablets. It is important to strictly adhere to the daily dose, frequency of application, the duration of treatment.

During the acute phase of osteoarthritis of the therapeutic interventions are, in this order:

  • removed the pain;
  • when the presence of an inflammatory process measures are being taken to remedy it;
  • treatment aimed at the restoration of cartilage.

The main role in the acute phase is relegated to a medical treatment anti-inflammatory, it is possible to organize a series of physiotherapy treatments.

Medications primarily shown chondroprotectors, who may 1-2 stage to curb the destruction of the cartilage.

When the knee is bent, the joint is completely or almost completely lost mobility, get rid of the constant pain does not help neither the drugs nor physical therapy.

In the treatment of osteoarthritis prescribe the pills and the ointment, to relieve pain, as well as to resist to inflammation, prescribe physical therapy, that slow down the process of destruction of joints.

And dietary of the diet should be rich in trace elements and nutrients, which will be sufficient for the process of the creation of new tissues and cells occur in the body of the patient.

the pain

The system chooses only a nutritionist, which takes into account the state of health of the patient. It is very important to know that restricting and overeating in the food that cause damage to the joints.

In the treatment, you can use orthotics, crutches and canes that relieve the patient of most of the physical exercise.

It is to be noted that the osteoarthritis of the knee is one of the most common diseases that we encounter in many former athletes. This is related to the fact that in his youth, these people have subjected themselves to enormous stress, to injury, the microtraumas to the joints, torn ligaments, and multiple contusions.

The compresses with horseradish, helping the joint pain

For the preparation of this compress is necessary to dig or buy the horseradish root, then grind on a very small grater. All of the content is obtained, it is necessary to lower it into the water and let steam over a low fire, but the water should not go up to the boil.

After 15 minutes, the broth to cool, and the body that you need to put on canvas cloth, but before the fabric and baste it in the broth. Reduces the fabric should be placed on hit location.

It is desirable to make provision from the roots of horseradish on the winter and apply it, where appropriate.

A poultice for the treatment of osteoarthritis

For the cooking of the compresses would need 5% medical iodine, 10% ammonia, glycerine, medical, of the bile of flowers the honey. All of these components need to take equal proportions and mix well.

Then, they must rest for 10 days in a dark place. Before using the mixture, you need to shake and make a compress.

This treatment would need to pass each day, until that stops the pain.

Folk remedies

For nutrition and regeneration of cartilage tissues need a continuous supply of compounds such as chondroprotectors – glucosamine and chondroitin. It is more useful to the substance for people with osteoarthritis of the knee.

Their acquisition must be performed for a very long period of time, six months and more, only in this case, you can rely on the positive, therapeutic effect.

However, because of the properties of these compounds are not to be regarded as their main the treatment of osteoarthritis. The arthrosis deformans of the knee joint requires the use of drugs of chondroitin and glucosamine is not less than 1.5 years.

Is also taken into account, they are not capable of restorer completely destroys the cartilage.

The injection in the knee of drugs based on hyaluronic acid is able to slow down the progression of osteoarthritis, but the symptomatic relief receives that half of the people with such a diagnosis.

the cartilage

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint, provides for an integrated approach to treatment, and the recipes of traditional medicine to act as a complementary therapy. Deserve the attention of tools such as the broth of jẳįšwẳl pods, infusion of dandelion leaves, the mixture of aloe vera, vodka and honey in equal volumes, the night compresses of salt with honey and many others.

Also, it is recommended to eat more studnja and jelly.

Prevention measures

The prevention of osteoarthritis of the knee includes many factors:

  • A balanced diet: in the diet should be a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and trace elements.
  • The fight against the bad way of life and get rid of bad habits.
  • The normalization of the weight.
  • Physical activity sufficient.
  • Prevention of sports injuries, the mounted weight.

The most important thing during the detection of this pathology, such as osteoarthritis of the knee is not run of the disease, as have egara away from the steps leading to disability.

But if the time is to focus on the treatment and prevention until the time is not lost and the symptoms are mild – there is a chance for the full release of the disease.

It is important to read: arthritis of the knee joint.

Prevention measures are the following:

  • courses sports and physical education;
  • the fact fleeing the large loads on the knee joints;
  • control your weight and lowering;
  • immediate traffic to a physician, if the common inflamed or has been injured.